Some More About Us

Our Pledge

The Bullpen proudly supports all first responders, our troops and military Vets. We find it heartbreaking that every day in the United States 22 Veterans take their own lives - losing their personal battle to the invisible wounds of war. To start, our pledge is to donate one percent of all net profits to a non-profit charity that focuses on helping our beloved Veterans with their mental and physical health. This is our way to give back to our Veterans who serve and sacrifice so much for our great nation.

Who We Are

The Bullpen is a small business I dreamed up in 2022.  I am a 17 year old by a high school Varsity baseball player with a vision, who loves playing the great game of baseball and everything that comes along with it such as hard work, camaraderie, hustle, and determination. As a family, we believe in God, standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and that a strong work ethic is the only way to obtain your goals and dreams in life.  Not only do we love baseball, but we love all sports and the excitement that comes from being competitive and having fun doing what we love.  America’s favorite past-time sport has become a huge part of our household.  So much, that in fact my little Brother and my little Sister both play hard ball too, and wouldn’t you know they are both pitchers as well!  When you support The Bullpen, you support a student heading off to college soon to pursue his educational goals, a family full of ball players, along with several small businesses that we work with to source & manufacture our stylish gear.

Past to Present

I started playing Little League T-ball in my hometown when I was around 5 years old.  Back then, it was more of a trip and fall race & wrestle mania dog pile to field the ball, grass picking in the outfield, running to 3rd base instead of 1st base, being a clown with teammates, and all about snacks and pizza parties after the games.  I continued to play America’s favorite past-time season by season, year by year and had a lot of fun doing so.  Around 7 years old, I decided that I wanted to learn how to pitch.  Over the past decade, pitching in baseball has always filled my heart in so many ways.  No doubt, being a pitcher has made for some good days and bad days on the mound.  There’s something about the challenge and art of pitching that keeps me digging deeper, makes me keep working harder, and coming back for more no matter how much the game humbles me at times.  Baseball has been and will always be huge part of my life.  It has helped mold and shape me into who I am today and all that I have achieved.  I am fortunate to have met my best friend through playing baseball and some of the closest people in my life who are family to me. 

The Name

My true love for being a pitcher inspired me to come up with the name for my baseball apparel company.  To me, there is no greater place on the baseball field than being on the mound.  The guts, grit, mechanics, and mental toughness, coupled with the simultaneous ability to remain calm under pressure as a pitcher in the great game of baseball, is an adrenaline rush and feeling that I can’t put in to words.  Taking the mound brings me pure joy and the glory of winning a game as a team and the feeling of victory is awesome.

When I was a younger boy, on the way to games my baseball loving, feisty, competitive Mom would tell me, “Throw like a F*CKIN’ bull!” And during the game, my biggest fan (AKA Mom) would be the loudest one in the stands while I was on the mound shouting, “THROW LIKE A BULL!”  So all things considered, my company name “THE BULLPEN” is so fitting for my passion of being a pitcher and is a reminder of 1 of my funny childhood memories playing ball.

The Logo

The logo is a labor of love!  It took a lot of thought, sketches, adjustments, and patience to come up with the finalized logo.  I wanted to make sure the logo representing my business had both meaning behind it and what I had envisioned as a clean, modern, stylish, likable image.

  • The Half Halo - The half halo shape of the horns represent our Faith in God and my thankfulness for the many blessings I have been gifted in life from my guardian angel. 
  • The Baseball Stitches - Within the horns there are 3 baseball stitches pointing up and 3 baseball stitches pointing down.  This signifies the baseball saying, “three up, three down” which represents 3 batters taking the batters box, and 3 outs in a row executed by pitching & defense without allowing a single batter to occupy 1st base, hence 3 up, 3 down.
  • The Baseball Diamond  - A reminder of some of the best memories in my life, and hopefully yours will occur on a baseball field in the shape of a precious diamond.
  • The Home Plate - All roads lead to home and the 5 sides of the home plate represent my family.  My Dad, Mom, myself, my Sister, and my Brother.  
  • The Bull - Overall, the logo symbolizes a bull.  A bull signifies great strength, is powerful, calm and fierce, has a fighting spirit, and a courageous heart.  A bull doesn’t give up!  He is fearless, overcomes obstacles, accepts challenges, commands presence.  He is patient and paced for the marathon of life.  He is pieced with determination that will not quit.
  • The Establishment - During the summer of 2022 between my Junior and Senior year of High School, after conversing with my neighbor (AKA Auntie) about college, scholarships, and what not, the idea of starting up my own business to help pay for my college education came to mind.  Hence, “Established 2022” became part of the logo since that was the start of all of this excitement and challenge of launching my own brand.

Shipping and Delivery

Please expect your order to be received in 21 days or less due to order production turnaround and shipping times. We are a print on demand; this cuts waste and allows us to work more efficiently as a small business.


Our sizing does not conform to the traditional small, medium, large, etc. We highly recommend that you pay attention to the size charts on each product. This will ensure that the product fits your needs and that you get precisely what you want and need on the first try. If you do decide to rely on traditional sizing we recommend ordering a size bigger than your typical as our sizes run a bit small.

Bullpen Gear

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